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AgCdO(15) contact for railway signal relay
Release Time:2024-08-22 09:00:58

    Railway signal relay is a special multi-way switch used to close or disconnect signals to control circuits. It is one of the main basic devices in railway signaling equipment. Its reliability and safety in operation are to ensure various automatic control and remote control. The necessary conditions for controlling the normal operation of signaling equipment directly affect the safety of railway trains. The railway system has put forward strict requirements of "zero error, zero defect and zero failure" for railway signals. Therefore, signal relays also have strict requirements on the contact system.

    This article introduces a method for preparing AgCdO(15) contact for railway signaling relays. The method of multiple extrusions improves the plasticity and physical properties of the material, and can be used to make special-shaped contacts with large deformation. On the AX series relays, the traditional internal oxidation method AgCdO(15) contact are replaced, which improves the reliability of the contacts during the assembly and use of the relay.

    In conclusion:

    ① The use of non-contact continuous hot rolling and other processes to prepare AgCdO(15) material can effectively improve the plasticity and strength of the material, and is suitable for the production of special-shaped contacts with large deformation.

    ② The AgCdO(15) material prepared by the new process has uniform metallographic structure and excellent material plasticity. It can be used in railway signal relays to replace the traditional internal oxidation method AgCdO(15) material, which can effectively solve the problem of traditional internal oxidation method AgCdO(15) material. There are defects such as oxide-poor areas, uneven metallographic structures, and poor plasticity of finished products. Improve the consistency and reliability of moving contacts during assembly and use.

——The content of the article comes from the Internet