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Welding methods of AgC contact
Release Time:2024-08-27 10:18:06

    Electrical contacts are the core components of electrical switches and instruments. They are mainly responsible for connecting and disconnecting circuits and carrying load current. Extruded AgC contact have the advantages of welding resistance, good conductivity, and low contact resistance, and are widely used in various types of protective electrical appliances. The welding quality of the contact and bridge is an important factor affecting their working performance. However, for a long time, AgC contact have problems such as low soldering rate, easy burning of contacts, and easy annealing of contact bridges when welding AgC contact to contact bridges. This paper explores the welding processes of AgC contact of different specifications through a series of experimental studies, and studies the welding processes of small-sized and large-sized AgC contact. The weld structure was analyzed through metallographic structure, ultrasonic non-destructive testing, etc, and a suitable process for welding AgC contact was developed.

    In conclusion:

    ① Small-sized AgC contact are welded by spot welding, which has the characteristics of stable quality, high efficiency, and low welding cost, and is suitable for large-scale promotion.

    ② Appropriate electrodes should be selected for welding large-sized AgC contact. The suitable solder is BCu80PAg, which has good fluidity, appropriate resistance, high brazing bonding strength and low cost.

    ③ Using ultrasonic non-destructive testing system to detect the welding soldering rate of AgC contact has the advantages of being intuitive, fast, easy to quantify, and low cost, and has guiding significance for the improvement of welding quality.


——The content of the article comes from the Internet