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Application of clad strips in automotive fuses
Release Time:2024-03-27 09:29:32

    When the current flow in the circuit is large, the car fuse will be blown, so as to protect the safety of the car circuit. As the most widely used fuse melt material, pure silver strip has good circuit breaking ability, excellent oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, which is conducive to ensuring the stability and safety of the circuit.

    However, due to the high price of pure silver materials, the market demand for copper instead of silver in melt is increasingly strong. In addition, copper has the electrical conductivity second only to silver and cheaper price, replacing pure silver melt with silver copper composite melt is the main direction of current research and development.

    At present, the clad strips used in automotive fuses is mainly made of Ag, AgCu series, Ag/Cu composite materials and other materials.

    The developed clad strips have the following characteristics:

    ① Cost saving: precious metal alloy and coating thickness can be freely selected, thus effectively saving precious metals and reducing costs;

    ② Combination of a variety of materials with superior strength: according to customer requirements, design and manufacture of composite materials with optimized mechanical properties and electrical contact properties;

    ③ Composite component formed by continuous automatic stamping of laminated composite strip, the formed component does not need to be riveted, welding and other processing. It not only simplifies the component manufacturing process, improves production efficiency, but also improves the precision of the component contact position and the consistency of the combination.


——The content of the article comes from the Internet